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Jonah Goldberg:

If you can selectively curate clips to prove that “corporate media” is monolithically liberal, you can almost as easily prove it’s monolithically conservative. Heck, given enough time, you could make a supercut “proving” that “corporate media” can’t stop coughing.

This reminds me of something that Alan Jacobs ( @ayjay ) said that I had to go searching for. And I found it! From an essay titled “Blessed Are the Green of Heart”:

Still more ill judged is the over-egging of the rhetorical pudding. The project website tells us that “with over 1,000 references to the earth in the Bible, compared to 490 references to heaven and 530 references to love, the Bible carries a powerful message for the earth.” I am not sure what to make of this argumentum ad arithmeticum, unless the point is that the earth is approximately 1.88 times more important to God than love and 2.04 times more important than heaven. Based on my own research into this topic and following the same method, I am prepared to say that the earth is 7.04 times more important to God than donkeys (which are mentioned 142 times in the Bible).

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