Season 9 of Poetry Unbound began with Kinsale Drake’s poem “Put on that KTNN.” Just lovely.
All contradictions
find a home in the body, the insect-skin
of the car sluicing the Arizona desert
as the cicadas pick up their grand
instruments. How else to know
you enter a land of monuments, not
a wasteland, loved by radio waves
and peach trees
and small, silly dogs that bridge
the distance between a chapter house
and the nearest Sonics in a city.
The moon rocks darken into pine,
pine into slickrock,
and the whole world remembers
what it once was—
grand ocean: sun, plankton, pearl,
blood, ancestor, cloud. Radio rainbows
the most violent parts of the land
thrashed by thunderstorms & sea
as the rattles pick up their backing track
and Hank Williams rolls in
all over again, easy and easy
and blue.