Kevin Williamson was spot-on this morning.
As of this writing, Springfield’s schools had been closed for two days in a row—bomb threats. City hall was evacuated—bomb threat. Other municipal buildings—bomb threats. An elementary school—bomb threat. Two medical centers—bomb threats. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is on Truth Social posting images of kittens holding a sign reading: “Don’t let them eat us, vote for Trump!”
Do you know the most important word in that sentence? Them.
I’ve been particularly annoyed at the last week’s endless equivocation over our two bad choices. (“But Harris had the audicity to dodge questions! I wanted substance! She maybe-sort-of misquoted Trump and the moderators said nothing!”) Trump and Vance are regularly, shamelessly “bearing false witness against 15,000 poor and vulnerable people” (and, many, many more). And they do so with an astonishingly large endorsement — explicitly and silently — from a group of people who claim to be commanded, by none other than the Maker of the Universe, to bear no false witness against anyone. (“Thou shalt not revel in hateful bullshit” is my rough summary of Question 144 of the Westminster Larger Catechism.”)
Williamson actually traveled to Springfield for this one, and while he holds no punches for the two biggest assholes ever to seek office, he more importantly offers briefly, and smartly, both a narrow and wide context on the Haitian immigrants who live there. (Spoiler alert: they are good for Springfield — a fact which shouldn’t be surprising to the aforementioned group, whose Commander also “executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the immigrant, giving him food and clothing.” Oh, and you know those “therefores” that folks love to hear “exposited” from the pulpit on Sunday. Here’s one for the ages: “Therefore, love the immigrant.”)
The whole thing is very, very much worth your time.