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Afternoon anti-inflation project (with instructions) • I’m close enough to work here in Bozeman to walk or bike in. So I picked up this Free Spirit Sunbird a few weeks ago. (I have no idea how old it is.)

It’s seen better years and needs a little love, but it does the trick. The only problem is that, since I have no desire to be a “road biker” (when I think of biking on the road, I think of my favorite picture of Christopher Hitchens), I strongly despise the drop bars. And since I also have no desire to buy new handlebars and can’t find any used ones in town, I decided to get creative with a hacksaw and make my own bullhorn bars. 🤓

First, strip the tape and remove the brakes and bars.

Flip the bars upside down on a flat surface and measure how high you want them to go. (Somewhere between 2 1/2” and 3” is good. I think I did 2 3/4”.)

Release the saw.

Remount the bars (now “upside down”).

Mount the brakes and retape the bars. (If you’re careful, you can even reuse the electrical tape you took off at the start.)

Ta-da! Now you’ve improved your ride, saved money, and put a little love into something very simple and old.

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