Happy New Book in the Mail Day! Celebrate accordingly. 📚

Best advice you’ll find on the back of a car

Spring gonna spring

Grammie, meet Willington.

Willington, meet your namesake’s daughter. 🙂

“Hi, Jack … Hi, Jack … Hi, Jack”

hysteron proteron:


“The conditions we now endure, I want to argue, are the fruit of a false and failed conservatism, as mistaken in its grasp of human nature as in its understanding of American history. A true conservatism, rooted in the tradition of John Adams, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, would be the first to embrace gun control as a condition of freedom.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, to Eberhard Bethge, Tuesday, November 30, 1943:

In the past few months I have experienced as never before that everything I receive here in the way of relief and help is thanks to other people and not to myself. I have previously sensed on occasion that you suffer somewhat from the fact that you too owe many things in your life to other people. But that is precisely the wrong way around. The wish to have everything by one’s own power is false pride. Even what one owes to others belongs nevertheless to oneself and is a piece of one’s own life, and the desire to calculate what one has “earned” on one’s own and what one owes to others is surely not Christian and is a futile undertaking besides. With what one is in oneself and what one receives, a person is a whole.

Matthew Crawford, in his introduction to the 50th anniversary edition of Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:

Today, we often use “technology” to refer to systems whose inner workings are assiduously kept out of view, magical devices that offer no apparent friction between the self and the world, no need to master the grubby details of their operation. It all takes place “somewhere else,” just as John and Sylvia wished. Yet this very invisibility has opened new avenues of surveillance and manipulation. Big Tech now orders everyday life more deeply than John and Sylvia could have imagined in their techno-dystopian nightmare. Today, on a road trip to “get away from it all” one would likely depend on GPS, prompting digital ads tailored to our destination. The whole excursion would be mined for behavioral data and used to nudge us into profitable channels, likely without our even knowing it.

Crawford’s book, Why We Drive is an excellent contribution to this genre. If you have not read it, you should!