For consider what has not been destroyed: music, poetry and art; the sacred texts and the secular knowledge that derives from them; the impulse to love and to learn, which will vanish only with the human species; the still-warm habit of association and institution-building, into which all our better impulses may feed. These are the counters to despair, and the source of hope in any age. Society depends on the saints and heroes who can once again place these things before us and show us their worth. This is not a task for the politician, whose proper role is not to create a society but rather to represent it. It is a task for the educator, the priest and the ordinary citizen whose public spirit is aroused on behalf of his neighbours.
As Scruton goes on to say, the “trivializing materialists and sarcastic cynics” will always make this difficult and force all too many people into hiding. But in our best moments we accept the ridicule and don’t mind sounding ridiculous, for “the best is always mocked by that which feels condemned by it.”
I always want to add a note of caution with this sentiment, since it can so easily swing over to a heedless indifference. Be helpful always, but never assume you are helping.
Lastly, regardless of the scorn, a proper human confidence doesn’t need a movement or a following or a crowd but can “take comfort in handing on knowledge to one person.”
And I think sometimes that one person will just be yourself.